Fall prevention programs help keep injuries from happening as a result of feeling off-balance, unsteady, or dizzy.

Your initial physical examination at Performance Therapy may include vision exams, resting and active heart rate checks, gait, balance, range of motion, and strength exams. Based on your risk of fall and injury, our physical therapists will build a unique treatment plan tailored for your specific needs.
Balance and gait enhancement
Strength and flexibility training
Home safety assessments
Education on fall risk factors
Fall prevention strategies
Balance Training – This part of your treatment plan may require you to perform specific balance-based exercises, such as standing on one leg or maintaining your balance while performing an intellectually demanding task.
Pain management
Walking programs – This section of your treatment plan focuses on restoring your normal physical function when walking. You might be asked to do things like walk in a circle or complete an obstacle course.
Endurance training – Our physical therapists will design an aerobic training program for you, gradually increasing the length of your sessions as your stamina improves.
Strength training – Our physical therapists will create a strength training program for you that will target particular muscle groups that require strengthening. This will help you improve your balance when standing and walking, as well as your ability to recover from a fall.
When To Arrive
On average, a patient’s first visit lasts about one hour. We ask that patients arrive 15 minutes early to sign-in and complete paperwork.
What To Bring
On your first visit, you’ll need to bring your physician referral or prescription (if needed), your insurance card, your primary registration forms, your ID or driver’s license and your co-payment (as applicable).
Your First Visit
Our office managers will help you through completing the registration and insurance process, then you will begin your evaluation with a therapist. It is helpful to know your key past medical history, previous treatments, current medications, and any symptoms you may be experiencing. Your movement, strength, coordination, and other factors will be evaluated before our therapist discusses with you their recommendation and prepares a personalized treatment plan.
Treatment Plan
Evaluation findings will be shared with your referring physician or preferred medical expert, and the office managers will help you plan your series of visits based on the quantity and frequency determined by your therapist. Your subsequent visits will focus on treatment that is based on your diagnosis and individualized goals.