Physical THERAPY
Pediatric physical therapy focuses on treating sensory-motor, neuromuscular, musculoskeletal, and other movement disorders and injuries that affect gross motor skills.
We collaborate with our young patients and their families to enhance or restore the child's capability to engage in safe and functional exploration of their surroundings, enabling active participation in community activities.

Gross Motor Skills
Pre-Gait & Gait Training
Strength & Endurance
Posture & Postural Control
Neuromuscular Function
Acute & Chronic Pain Management
Skeletal Alignment
Sports Injuries & Prevention
Developmental Milestones
0-3 months
Turns head side to side when on back
Holds head up 45 degrees when on belly
3-6 months
Rolls belly to back
Pushes up on straight arms when on belly by 5 months
Holds head steady and actively moves head in supported sitting
Head control in all positions
Brings hands to feet by 5 months
6-9 months
Belly crawls
Sits independently
Rolls back to belly
Gets into sitting independently
Pulls to stand
9-12 months
Transitions from sitting to belly
Gets into hands and knees (quadruped) position
Crawls on hands and knees
Cruises side to side holding onto furniture
Walks with both hands held
12-18 months
Gets into kneeling position and maintains to play
Stands alone well
Walks without support by 15 months
Crawls upstairs
18-24 months
Moves on ride on toys without pedals
Picks up toys from floor without falling
Squats in play without falling
Walks upstairs alone with both feet on each step
Kicks a ball forward
2-3 years
Jumps from bottom step
Catches large ball using body to help
Walks downstairs alone, placing both feet on each step
Walks upstairs with support, alternating feet
Runs well
Stands on one foot 1-5 seconds
3-4 years
Hops on one foot
Walks on a line
Stands on one foot 5 - 8 seconds
Walks up and down stairs alternating feet, without rail
Jumps down from 12 inches with feet together
4-5 years
Stands on one foot 8 - 10 seconds
Skips with alternating feet
Throws ball to a target
Walks on a balance beam forward and backward
5-6 years
Stands on one foot 10 seconds
Catches a small ball using only hands
Walks tandem on a line
Jumps over an object, landing with both feet together
6-7 years
Catches a bounced tennis ball
Kicks a ball straight forward about 12 feet
Rides bicycle without training wheels
Adaptive Play
Rock Climbing Wall
Gait and Mobility Training
Adaptive Equipment Assessment and Monitoring
Strength Training
Neurodevelopmental Techniques
Electrical Muscle Stimulation
Our physical therapists will work one-on-one with your child to create a customized treatment plan that is specific to your child’s needs. Our therapists’ goal is to ensure your child is meeting the proper developmental milestones necessary for them to reach their highest potential.
When To Arrive
On average, a patient’s first visit lasts about one hour. We ask that patients arrive 15 minutes early to sign-in and complete paperwork.
What To Bring
On your first visit, you’ll need to bring your physician referral or prescription (if needed), your insurance card, your primary registration forms, your ID or driver’s license and your co-payment (as applicable).
Your First Visit
Our office managers will help you through completing the registration and insurance process, then you will begin your evaluation with a therapist. It is helpful to know your key past medical history, previous treatments, current medications, and any symptoms you may be experiencing. Your movement, strength, coordination, and other factors will be evaluated before our therapist discusses with you their recommendation and prepares a personalized treatment plan.
Treatment Plan
Evaluation findings will be shared with your referring physician or preferred medical expert, and the office managers will help you plan your series of visits based on the quantity and frequency determined by your therapist. Your subsequent visits will focus on treatment that is based on your diagnosis and individualized goals.